The KS AdvoAngle Advo Tools
The AdvoAngle has created several types of media for Music Educators to use in Pre-Show Advocacy messages, which we call “FAST FACTS.” These include Music Advocacy slides and audio clips of students reading advocacy messages. All media is downloadable and may be used royalty free. Also, feel free to use our ideas and create your own. We would appreciate your ideas too!

Here's An IDEA!
There's an ADVOCACY OPPORTUNITY @ Every Concert!
During the 30+ minutes prior to a public performance, use this time to create an ADVOCACY OPPORTUNITY for Music Education. Create a simple Slide Show or PowerPoint to be played near the stage area of the concert. This Slide Show can include Music Advocacy messages, Fast Facts slides similar to the slides below on this webpage, announcements and calendar events. Couple this visual show with an audio show too. The KSAdvoAngle.com has already created two Audio Advocacy Files for you to use at your performance. Download them or use them right off of our website below! Using the KSAdvoAngle "Fast Facts" Slides and the ready-made "Pre-Concert PSA" audio files will enhance your "Music Advocacy" message and your performance!

Slides For Pre-Show
READY-MADE: Pre-Concert "Fast Facts" Slides
Use these SLIDES to create a Slideshow or PowerPoint for your Pre-Concert! The Slides can be re-created or downloaded from this page. Use them together with the pre-recorded Pre-Show PSA's # 1 and/or #2 Music Advocacy recordings below to create an atmosphere of Music Adovcacy at every Pre-Concert event or Intermission.

Sound For Pre-Show
READY-MADE: Pre-Concert PSA #1 & #2
These Pre-Concert Public Service Announcement (PSA) are “Ready To Play” at any music event while your audience assembles. We suggest you play one or both 10 minutes before your first performance. #1 has a running length of 10:45 minutes and #2 has a running length of 9:12 minutes. These PSAs have Royalty Free Public Domain Piano Music playing under 10 Music Advocacy Statements read by music students. Each Advocacy Statement is read beginning at 1:00 minute intervals. We suggest using them with the "Fast Fact" slides above!